
Monday, March 26, 2012

Jennifer L. ArmenTOURNEY Match 3 & Match 7

And the winners are:

Seth & Dee

**click on the pic above to visit other Pure Blog Tour stops**

Matches will open at 12:01AM on March 26th and close at 8PM CST on the 28th. We are not having advocates in this tournament, so all of you feel free to rally the troups and support your characters in the comments. Remember above all that this tournament is to celebrate ALL of Jennifer's characters. If there is any slandering, character bashing, cursing, or anything else we deem inappropriate, we reserve the right to delete your comment. Let's have fun, cheer on our favorite characters, and show Jennifer how much we love her!

Match #3:  Seth(Seed #3) vs Marcus(Seed #6)
A Little Bio:

Seth and Marcus are both from the Covenant Series.  Seth is the uber-strong Apollyon who is able to control the four elements:  earth, wind, water, and fire.  But, he doesn't stop there--he is the only one who can control a fifth element--akasha, which can only be described as a lightning bolt coming from his oh-so-masculine hands.  He is arrogant to a fault, and as a result, he thinks he's, we'll say Zeus's gift, to all women.  Because Alex will end up being the 2nd Apollyon, Seth has a very strong connection to her--both physical and emotional.  He's tempermental, saucy, and has the kind of charm that radiates sexiness.  If Seth were in our world--he'd be the oh-so-sexy guy who told your parents that "My girl doesn't have a curfew," and then with a tough "vroom," you'd jump on the back of his motorcyle and take off (fearing exactly what your parents were going to say when you returned).  Marcus is Alex's uncle who now holds the job of Dean of Students at the Covenant school.  At first, he threatens to place Alex into servitude, but is talked out of that decision by Aiden, Leon, and Laadan.  While he comes off as the "bad guy" in many of his encounters with Alex, deep down you can see that he cares.

Match #7:  Dee(Seed #3) vs Ashley(Seed #6)
A Little Bio:

Dee and Ashley are both from the Lux Series.  Dee is a Lux and Daemon and Dawson's sister.  These three seem to have quite a bit in common, as they all form bonds with humans.  Dee immediately befriends Katy, and soon becomes her best friend, despite Daemon's futile attempts to pull them apart.  Dee is in an on-again, off-again relationship with Adam, one of the Lux who seems to be more tolerable towards humans.  She is by far the friendliest of all the Lux, and she whole-heartedly defends Katy to all the other Lux.  She's beautiful and has a fantastic sense of fashion.  Ashley, on the other hand, is one of the more hateful Lux.  She is the sister of Andrew and Adam, and she despises humans, especially Katy.  At one point, she dated Daemon, and even though that is long over, she still flirts and seems very possessive over him.